UX Week / Adam Mosseri / Data Informed Design, Not Data-Driven Design

Adam Mosseri - product designer, Facebook mossier@facebook.com
Data Informed Design (Not Data-Driven)

Adam: 2 years at Facebook

Who makes the decisions: small teams

Structure of core team - how FB works
Product designers: product strategy, ix design, visual design
Product manager- also responsibility for quality of the product, mini CEOs

Record 4 terabytes a day
Data helps us understand how users use the product, how to improve

Photo uploading story: 200m? uploaded a day, largest photo site on the web

How we use data - Use data to optimize a workflow
Hypothesis generation
Hypothesis evaluation

*** Waterfall analysis ***
Of users who try, only 87% reach steady state
57 52 up,oaf
4% successful

85% only selected one photo

How we use data - Sanity check

How we use data - Evaluate designs

Healthy skepticism of being overly data driven:
Very difficult for any set of measures to fully capture what you think is important

Attempts at quantifying engagement
Raw reads and writes - but not all writes are created equal
85% of writes generated by 20% of users. If we optimize for heavy users, sub optimizes light users

Overreacting to data can lead to micro-optimizations. (but missing the whole)
Optimizing for a local maximum, but missing a bigger structural change. Miss disruptive opportunities.
Dangers of chasing local maximum

Why we're wary of data: Real innovation invariably involves disruption.
The greatest risk is taking no risk

Group with 20,000 members: I automatically hate the new Facebook homepage

Posted via email from Pete's posterous

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