Will Hertling's Summary of WebVisions 2010

Full notes from my buddy Will Hertling, Web 2.0 Support Strategist for HP. That guy never ceases to amaze.

I wanted to share my notes from attending Web Visions this year, a web design conference in Portland.

I put a summary with links to notes from all the sessions here: http://www.williamhertling.com/2010/05/web-visions-2010-summary-wv2010.html

I always wanted to draw attention specifically to Designing Social Experiences, a topic that will be relevant to ePrintCenter: http://www.williamhertling.com/2010/05/erin-malone-design-social-experiences.html

The UX Driven Startup was also a great session with some very specific, concrete tools for creating, communicating, and validating user experiences: http://www.williamhertling.com/2010/05/ux-driven-startup-notes-from-alexa.html

Finally, the Expectation Gap, part of the keynote address by Luke Williams, was particularly inspiring about how to create innovations by turning customer expectations on their head: http://www.williamhertling.com/2010/05/luke-williams-keynote-address-at-web.html

Posted via email from Pete's posterous

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